Nature and Us

On this blog, I like to combine lots of subjects. But for the month of July, I will only be talking about one. That will be the Earth.

Our Earth is damaged. For hundreds of years, more so recently, humans have battered nature to the point that many animals and species of plants have become extinct. We are ruining the Earth.

To try and bring more awareness, for the entire month of July, I will be talking about why I love our planet, and ways that different people are helping.

What I would like from you?

I want you to join in. You can tweet on Twitter or post on Instagram, using the hashtag #natureandus. I want you to talk about why you love this planet and/or how you are helping lessen the damage mankind is doing.

It can be anything. A poem, video, a story about a day out you had in nature as a kid or an adult. It can be about your favorite animals or your favourite plants. It is in your control!

It can be anonymous or credited! You will get an entire post dedicated to you! And if you want me to, your social media links can be added.

To help me find your suggestion, send it directly to me. To find my social media’s, go to my about page.

You can, of course, comment on this post or even go to the Nature and Us page. Email me at, or go to the contact me page.

I look forward to hearing from you!


5 responses to “Nature and Us”

  1. […] had the idea for this post during my July project: Nature and Us. However as I couldn’t get it to fit in I wanted to make it a separate post all […]


  2. […] read more about why I have decided to talk about this, head on over to my Nature and Us page. Also subscribe to my site […]


  3. […] you would like to join in on this project, head on over to this page to learn more! I would love it if you joined […]


  4. […] learn how you can join in, head on over to my Nature and Us page or email me at […]


  5. Supernatural season good captured pics

    Liked by 1 person

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